Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Legend of Zelda (1986)

Game Title: The Legend of Zelda                        Publisher: Nintendo
Year: 1986                                                            ESRB Rating: None
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System          Genre: Action-Adventure 

·         Fun Factor:  I would say the game wasn't overly fun but it was fun enough to keep playing. Once I would die, I would find myself wanting to continue on where I was exploring. For me, it's almost the same thing over and over, just with a slightly different setting and different enemies. 

·         Learning Curve:  The game is very easy to pick up. Just go into the cave, pick up your sword and start mashing A. If you have full health, you have the ability to throw your sword which makes killing enemies very easy for the sword goes through plants and walls. 

·         Graphics:  For the time, the graphics were pretty good. I was able to distinguish what enemy is what, and what certain things are on the map like doorways.

·         Audio:  The music is very repetitive for it plays the same song over and over on loop. Sound like when you're health is low is very helpful for when you have to be more careful and look for more hearts or fairies. 

·         Controls:  The controls are very easy.You move around with the D-Pad,  A is sword, and B is item
·         Story:  There isn't really a story to the game. You're just kind of thrown into the game with very little knowledge on what do do and where to go. All you know is that there is a princess named Zelda and you have to rescue her from Ganondorf. 

·         Characters:  I wouldn't really consider Link any sort of character in the game. There isn't any real development like there are in other Legend of Zelda games like Twilight Princess or Wind Waker.

·         Level Design:  For the concept of the game, the level was pretty good. One thing I didn't like about it is the real use of any kind of map. It's just a green dot on a gray square and you have no real sense of where you are and where you need to be.

·         Changes:  One change I would make to this game is to add an actual map. I had no idea where I had to be any of the time and I just found myself mindlessly wondering around.

·         Recommendation:  I would recommend this game to the hard core retro game enthusiasts. If you're coming to this game from any other Zelda game, it'll be hard to pick up since there isn't any real story to it.

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